It's been another year. The world has revolved too quick. And so here we are, looking forward for another year.
It's the first time I'm away from my home and family for the new year. Being 13 hours away from the loved ones does make a difference. They step into 2012 earlier than me. Weird? Yes. Unfair? Nope. During this four months in Toronto, I realised that time is relative. Time becomes even more abstract when there are Facebook, Skype, telephones and other technologies.
Looking back, I see a long journey behind me. So many people, so many spices along the way.
"A man's errors are his portal of discovery". Probably there are too many errors in the past that I couldn't fix. But, as time passes by, I realise that there's no point in mourning over the mistakes I have done. It's time to move on. Such is life.
2011 holds too many memories. My journey of education continued into tertiary studies. Relationship with people took a whole new turn. Emotions fluctuated before finding a harmonic stability. Friendships and family relations made more sense. Various types of food were explored. Places were visited. Interests were found. Basically, it has been a year of self exploration and discovery.