Food for Thought

One of my friends used to say that motivation is something that has to be regularly injected. I totally agree with that. Since I can get demotivated really fast, I developed a habit of gathering inspiring quotes whenever I get the chance. I started to share them in Facebook roughly a year ago, and I've decided I'll share them here too. So, everytime I find an interesting quote, I'll share it here. Feel free to share with me any motivational quotes that you know too.

Since I was so used to stealing ideas from other sources, also known as plagiarising, I don't have the sources for some of the quotes I have. I'll try my best to acknowledge those who came up with the quotes from now on.

1. Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.

2. Impropable? Yes. Impossible? Not at all.
-One of the video games I used to play when I was young.

3. Ganbarimasu. ^_^ (I can do it!)
-One of my friend's Facebook status when I was down.

4. Go ahead and fall, but fall forward.
-Daren LaCroix

5. To know what you are really like and acknowledge it, a positive thinking of enjoying yourself, that is true strength.
-Ouran High School Host Club

6. Change is meaningless if you force it upon yourself. The biggest change of all is by being yourself. That way, you might induce the slightest change that is ultimate in yourself and the people around you.
-My dream.

7. To strive in life, fall in love with whatever that you are doing right now.

8. Don't count how many times you've fell down. It's how many times you've got up again that matters.

9. There is a miracle that can be reached if you keep trying. Even if the possibility of it happening is small, it's better if you keep trying.
-Can't remember

10. The true beauty is when you have people to love
-Can't remember

11. Life should be a series of adventures, moving from one dream to the next as we grow and change and discover who we are and what our heart wants.
-Can't remember

12. There must be hope, or else there's only hopelessness.

13. Look at how far you've gotten, not how far you have to go.
-Can't remember

14. Admitting your fear is the first and most difficult step in overcoming them.
-Legend of Korra

15. Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.
-Avatar: The Last Airbender

16. Make new mistakes everyday.
-Toastmasters meeting

17. Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.

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