Well, lets talk about trust. First of all, what is trust? Trust is to have belief on someone that he or she will never act against what he or she supposed to have done. Lame definition. I know. But just bear with it, okay? :-) So, is trust within everyone? The answer is yes. Every single person on this earth has trust on at least something or someone. That person will trust that that particular thing or person will not fail him or her. That is trust. I trust myself. And I have seen many times where I myself breach that trust. Disappointing. So, what induces that trust? I don’t really know. But I think humans just blindly believe things sometimes. They don’t really see whether their faith is on the right place. So, that human’s nature gives birth to trust. Some give 50% of trust, some give 100% of it. No matter how many per cent of trust is given, trust is still trust. And once the trust you have fails, it gives pain. Really painful pain. That’s when human’s emotion begins to play its role. They become frustrated and angry. That is when revenge takes its place. Sometimes the revenge is just a minor one, like punishment. But it can also turn into a major one, like murder. Ooh.. That is scary. So, trust is just a common five letter word, but it can have a very deep meaning towards one’s life. So, give value to trust and live your life parallel to it. Okay?
p.s. I know it is a lot of talking, but I seriously don’t know what else to post, and i am damn bored.
See you in the next post.
Signing off,
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