Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How do you pass your free time?

Hi!!! How;s your day??? Well, mine’s kinda boring.. I went to my secondary school, SMK ( P ) St. George to get my SPM slip certified.  Then, I saw my Form 1 and 2 English teacher, Miss Kamala. It was so nice of her to buy two pieces of fried bananas for me. Thanks, Miss K!!! Winking smile haha…

So, yesterday, I posted a question on my facebook wall.  “How do you pass your free time?’’ And, well, six people replied the question.  Haha!!! (Only six???) Anyway, these are the replies.

1. Movies!!! Haha… There are infinite number of movies out there, so if you have time, why not spend on them??? Smile with tongue out

You don’t have to go to theater to watch movie.. you can perfectly do that from the comfort of your sofa.. hehe..
2. Sleeping.. zzzz…
Sssshhhhhh... I'm sleeping....
3. Dreaming!!! Haha.. But then you have to sleep first before starting to dream.. Or maybe day dream???
I precisely enjoy staring out of window while daydreaming.. kikiki..
4. Eat!!! That’s the reason why we live!!! Live to eat!!! HAHAHA!!!
Mmmm.... Yummy!!!
5. Online. Obviously that’s what I do the most. Sarcastic smile

6. Hanging out with friends… Red heart That never bores.. lolx..
Haha.. So, that’s the comments I got. So, what do you do during your free time??? Feel free to leave a comment. Smile Bubye!!! Got to go now..
Signing off,

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