20 A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

A walk along the Great Wall of China
21 A picture of something you wish you could forget
I don’t think that will ever happen.
22 A picture of something you wish you were better at
Finishing a goddamn big ice cream!!!! Only managed to eat half of it.
23 A picture of your favourite book
My all-time favourite: Harry Potter series! I seriously miss reading them!
24 A picture of something you wish you could change
I really like my new hair, but I really wish I could change it back to my old, curly hair back.
25 A picture of your favourite day
Any day fun. 

It’s a lollypop. It used to mean a lot to me. Memories. But, don’t worry. I still like you, lollypop. 

27 A picture of yourself and a family member
It’s Deepa kissing Geetha!!!!! Yesh!!!! Finally.. XD
28 A picture of something you’re afraid of
I still don’t dare to cross certain drains.
29 A picture that can always make you smile
A recent picture that has made me smile. 

30 A picture of someone you miss
There are many people I miss in my life right now, but I miss my best buddies the most. Haven’t talked with them for a long time now.
So, finally the task is completed!!!!!!

Finally dear!