Thursday, March 6, 2014

Beauty - JustForThoughts

I've always found dark skin charming and very attractive. Different people find different things beautiful. It's sad to see that some people tend to set some 'definition' to the beauty, and as a result, allow one to be 'un-beautiful'.

Since young, I've silently been taught to think that fair skin is beautiful; smooth, hairless skin is beautiful; long, silken hair is beautiful. There have been numerous times when I was asked, 'Why have you become darker?' or told, 'Your skin became fairer in these years!' whenever I visit relatives. These subtle 'brainwashing' had gotten me to think that being beautiful means adhering to certain qualities, and 'Fair & Lovely' is anyone's best friend. I don't blame the people from previous generation to preach that; they grew up being taught that as well.

But remember, humans are able to perceive things and think for themselves. Please don't restrict yourself to think that only a subset of qualities are beautiful; broaden your mind and heart. Allow yourself to find the beauty in myriad of things. Please educate the younger generation to appreciate who they are and find their inner beauty. Allow them to go out under the sun once in a while (not too often for the fear of harmful UV rays :P ). Make them spend those hours spent on trying to make them 'beautiful' to be spent on something they might truly love doing. Teach them to be random and imperfect. Make them watch Lupita Nyong'o's amazing speech on beauty. :)

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